Wednesday, May 03, 2006 Spreadsheet Check and Control: 47 key practices to detect and prevent errors: Books Spreadsheet Check and Control: 47 key practices to detect and prevent errors: Books
Learn how to: increase efficiency by avoiding rework; discover powerful formula auditing techniques; foil attempts to conceal data and formulas from you; reduce worry about costly and embarrassing mistakes; create spreadsheets faster by avoiding wasted time from lack of specification; present results with more confidence knowing that you have checked for errors; benefits to your organisation; ensure data quality and accuracy; protect against formula and operational errors; be able to demonstrate management of material risks; increase controls over spreadsheet based financial reporting; and reduce compliance costs for businesses in regulated sectors.
Learn how to: increase efficiency by avoiding rework; discover powerful formula auditing techniques; foil attempts to conceal data and formulas from you; reduce worry about costly and embarrassing mistakes; create spreadsheets faster by avoiding wasted time from lack of specification; present results with more confidence knowing that you have checked for errors; benefits to your organisation; ensure data quality and accuracy; protect against formula and operational errors; be able to demonstrate management of material risks; increase controls over spreadsheet based financial reporting; and reduce compliance costs for businesses in regulated sectors.
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